“He who does not bellow the truth when he knows the truth makes himself the accomplice of liars and forgers.” - Charles Péguy1

Let’s get real for a moment, our society is deeply flawed.

We live in a world where silence is often more valued than truth, where we’re taught to look the other way instead of confronting the ugly realities around us. Growing up in a Muslim family in India, I saw this firsthand. Despite the teachings of equal rights in our religion, the reality is that we often fall short. We lean heavily towards a patriarchal structure that subdues women, forcing them into silence to protect family honor.

But here’s the thing : We don’t have to accept this. You and I, we can be the ones who speak up, who challenge these outdated norms, and who refuse to stay silent when we see injustice.

The Calculated Gamble: The Perpetrator’s Philosophy

The Distortion of Power and Confidence

What drives someone to commit rape, knowing that their victim will live and likely speak out? It’s not just about desire or impulse, there’s a twisted logic at play. Unlike other crimes, where the criminal might believe they can hide their identity or leave no witnesses, rape leaves behind a living testament to the crime. Yet, many rapists act with a disturbing confidence, almost as if they know they’ll get away with it.

This mindset comes from a deep-seated belief that society will do more to protect the reputation of families and communities than to seek justice for the victim. In many parts of India, a woman’s honor is valued more than her well-being, and this twisted sense of priorities gives rapists the belief that their crime will be met with silence. It’s not reckless, it’s calculated. The real crime here is that our society makes this gamble worth taking.

The Philosophical Burden of Shame: Society’s Complicity

The Misalignment of Honor and Justice
  • Shame is a powerful emotion, but in our culture, it’s weaponized against the wrong people. From the moment a girl is born, she faces sexism and oppression so constant that it becomes her norm. She’s taught that her worth is tied to her purity, and that any blemish on this purity is a disgrace not just to her, but to her entire family. This is where our society has really failed,we’ve turned honor into a cage, locking women inside while their oppressors roam free.

  • When my friend confided in me about her molestation, she wasn’t just talking about the trauma of the assault. She was talking about the crushing weight of shame that followed her, the pressure from her family to keep quiet and move on as if nothing had happened. They weren’t trying to protect her,they were trying to protect themselves from the judgment of others. This is what happens when we let shame dictate our actions: the victim is silenced, and the perpetrator walks free.

  • But let’s be clear,this isn’t how it has to be. You and I, we’re not going to accept this anymore. We’re going to talk about these issues, loudly and unapologetically. We’re going to call out the people around us,our friends, our family,when they say something racist, sexist, homophobic, or just plain wrong. We’re going to make sure they know it’s not okay. Because things will get better, but only if we make them better.

The Hypocrisy of Moral Judgments: Gender and Double Standards

The Contradiction of Equality and Moral Relativism

Let’s talk about the double standards we see every day. Our society loves to claim it believes in equality, but when it comes to how we judge men and women, the truth is far from equal. When a man cheats, people might say, “It’s just how men are,” but when a woman does the same, she’s condemned, her character shredded by those who pretend to hold the moral high ground. This isn’t just a cultural problem,it’s a philosophical contradiction that we need to address.

The same goes for how we react to sexual misconduct. When a female teacher is caught having an affair with a male student, you’ll hear guys joking about how lucky the kid is. But if a male teacher does the same to a female student? The outrage is immediate, as it should be. Why the double standard? Why is one case a fantasy and the other a crime? This hypocrisy is ingrained in our society, and it’s up to us to challenge it.

The Corruption of Power: Arrogance and the Illusion of Immunity

When Power Becomes a Shield

Power is a funny thing,it can do great good, but it can also corrupt. And when it corrupts, it gives people the idea that they’re untouchable. Think about the CEOs, the politicians, the community leaders who abuse their power because they believe they’re above the law. They think their position gives them immunity, that the fear they instill in others will protect them from consequences.

This same mindset applies to rapists who believe they can act with impunity. They count on their victims staying silent, on the shame that society forces upon women to keep their crimes hidden. But here’s the deal,power doesn’t make you immune to justice. It just means the fall is harder when you finally get caught. And we need to make sure these people are caught.

Key Takeaways

  • Philosophy of Silence: The perpetrator’s confidence stems from a societal belief that values reputation over justice, creating an environment where silence is wrongly seen as virtuous.
  • Weaponized Shame: Our society has twisted the concept of honor into a tool that protects the oppressor and silences the victim, starting from the moment a girl is born.
  • Moral Hypocrisy: The double standards in how we judge men and women reveal a deep flaw in our understanding of equality, and it’s up to us to correct it.
  • Power and Arrogance: Those in positions of power often believe they’re immune to consequences, but we need to hold them accountable, no matter how untouchable they think they are.

Closing Words

We live in a world where the truth is often hidden behind a veil of silence, but that doesn’t mean we have to accept it. We can tear down this veil by speaking up, by challenging the outdated norms that protect the guilty and silence the innocent. You and I, we’re going to be the ones who refuse to stay quiet. We’re going to call out injustice when we see it, whether it’s racism, sexism, homophobia, or any other form of discrimination. Things will get better,but only if we make them better. The future is in our hands, and it’s up to us to create a society where everyone is held to the same moral standard, where the truth isn’t something to be ashamed of, but something to be proud of.

“The only limit to our realization of tomorrow is our doubts of today.” - Franklin D. Roosevelt2

Roosevelt’s words remind us that the only thing holding us back is our own hesitation. By breaking the silence and embracing our power to make change, we can build a future where justice and truth are no longer hidden behind a veil of fear.
